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Our postcards are not your everyday, print at home postcards. Mostly what you will find here is a wide selection of older postcards which comprise my personal postcard collection. Some of the postcards you will find here are for sale while others I will gladly take offers on or even consider trades.

My personal favorites that I am always on the hunt for are Black and White type photo cards, topicals such as ships, airplanes, automobiles. I also am interested in early California postcards and geographical regions such as the Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley and Yosemite areas of California. I will glady accept collections and be interested in any cards you might have laying around, no matter the topic or condition of the cards. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

I will soon be creating a search engine that will search only Postcards contained on this web site. You will ultimately be able to search by actual postcard number (as assigned by the creator), topic, geographic region and more. Please check back often!
Choose from selected topics listed below!

Telephone: (719) 369-2378***
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©Gary and Pamela Pfalzbot, Colorado U.S.A.