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Try some Jolly German™ Rhubarb Jam!

Jolly German™ Gift Certificates are an easy way to get them a gift and let them choose their favorite flavors! For $20.00 (shipping included within the continental US), you may order a gift certificate that will let your chosen gift recipient choose from any three (or any three of the same) flavors of our 8 ounce size selections. Your gift certificate recipient will have 60 days to redeem their certificate.

It's easy! You place your gift certificate order and we will promptly notify your gift recipient with a personalized email. Then, they will get to choose whichever flavor and style they like and soon enjoy their favorite Jolly German™ Jams and Jellies.

To order, please use the following form. Upon completion of the form, you will be directed to our convenient payment options. You as well as your gift recipient will be notified once your order has been processed. We only ask for your name and not your address. Where the word "gift" appears, this is the gift recipients information.

Your Name:
Gift Name:
Your Email Address:
Gift Email Address:
Gift Street Address (1):
Gift Street Address (2):
Gift City:
Gift State:
Gift Zip/Postal Code:
Gift Phone:
Adding your gift recipients phone number is optional. This is used only for shipping purposes, i.e., UPS or FEDEX ask for a telephone number in case of difficult deliveries.

Telephone: (719) 468-3943***
Designed & Hosted by: JOLLY GERMAN
All written, audio, video and graphic material contained within this site, except where otherwise noted, is Copyrighted ©1996-2014. This includes all trademarks, logos and photos belonging to The Jolly German®. Pfalzbot®, GoatWorld®, Goat911®, or Goat411®. Some content may also be the property of contributors, in which case their material is also protected by applicable copyright laws and this copyright policy. No material may be linked directly to or reproduced in any form without written permission from us. If you would like to reprint something from our site, simply send us an email to request permission to do so.
©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA