Pfalzbot Web Design - Portfolio | Project: Lumber Mill |
Henry's Cedar Craft was a web site designed entirely from scratch. It showcased a great example of an interactive menu; a different image would appear when visitors scrolled over each menu button.
The client approached us with a general idea of what was wanted, and requested that the site be built in a framed environment so that visitors would continually see a list of menu items. Other add-ons to this site were a random midi-music feature, online ordering form, autoresponder for information, and a mailing list to which visitors could easily subscribe. We designed and maintained this site for approximately two years after which time the client sold the business. |
Email: Telephone: (719) 468-3943*** |
Designed & Hosted by: JOLLY GERMAN ©1996-2018 JOLLYGERMAN.COM |
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