Pfalzbot Web Design - Portfolio | Project: |
![]() | is a very good example of our web design skills in action. This web site has grown from a few pages to well over several thousand pages in just a matter of a few years. GoatWorld also ranks as one of the top sites of its type, and is a favorite among many surfers. This site is active and is listed in all of the top search engines.
There are several key features that fuel the popularity of GoatWorld; the Goat 911™ feature which is a worldwide network of volunteers, a password protected message forum as well as a members community in which members may build their own web sites on the GoatWorld server. In addition to these features, GoatWorld offers one of the richest resources of information and articles relating to the care and feeding of goats to be found. Needless to say, this web site is a complex project that takes time, patience and continual research - all of which make it an enjoyable endeavor! |
Email: Telephone: (719) 468-3943*** |
Designed & Hosted by: JOLLY GERMAN ©1996-2018 JOLLYGERMAN.COM |
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All written, audio, video and graphic material contained within this site, except where otherwise noted, is Copyrighted ©1996-2014. This includes all trademarks, logos and photos belonging to The Jolly German®. Pfalzbot®, GoatWorld®, Goat911®, or Goat411®. Some content may also be the property of contributors, in which case their material is also protected by applicable copyright laws and this copyright policy. No material may be linked directly to or reproduced in any form without written permission from us. If you would like to reprint something from our site, simply send us an email to request permission to do so. |